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On September 10, 1977 twenty-five determined and diligent young women became charter members of Lambda Pi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®.

This second Detroit graduate chapter was established to fulfill the needs expressed by a growing number of women to function and develop their leadership potential through active participation and decision making.

The two women who were at the helm of the development of this new chapter were Jacqueline Billingslea (Newman) and Wanda Black. The leadership of the Regional Director, Madelyn H. Giddens was invaluable in facilitating the chartering of this new chapter.

Lambda Pi Omega defined for itself a three-fold purpose: 

1.        To promote and develop leadership qualities among its members.

2.     To foster sisterhood among its members.

3.     To develop and nurture those qualities supportive of service to all mankind.

It is with these purposes in the forefront that
Lambda Pi Omega has functioned since its inception.

Row 1: Susan Anderson (Claiborne)Jaqueline Billingslea (Newman), Wanda Black, Pacquinta Brooks, Sandra Brown   
Row 2:  Daryl CarsonWilhemina Carson, Constance Carter, Constance Crooks, 
Carolyn Cochran   
Row 3: Patricia Coleman, Sidney Greenlee, Debra Hines, Dorothy Hunter, Queenesta Jackson 
Row 4: Phyllis Jenkins, Patricia Lee, Marion McGhee, Cynthia Mosley, P
hyllis Rogers   
Row 5: Dolores Sturdivant, Carolyn Toussiant, Denise Whitted, Jacqueline Williams, Olivia Wright

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